April 13, 2015

Japan On A Budget: Itinerary

It's very important for me to make such a personal itinerary even though I already bought a travel book. Why? Because this kind of personal itinerary was very effective and efficient considering my limited amount of traveling days and budget. Some were worked as planned and some just unrealized. The key success to traveling Japan on a budget is research! Yes I did a lot of research before I went to Japan. Thanks to google, i easily found all the information I need about Japan.

So, check it out.. you can use it as a reference or you can adjust it depends on your needs..

For itinerary in pdf file, please click here.

Here is some tourist attractions on Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway Line (download pdf file). For further information, you can go to Tokyo Metro website here.

PSI spent only Rp6.500.000 (around 500USD) for traveling 9 days in Japan and Kuala Lumpur (net, including airplane ticket and all the basic accommodation fees).

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your ticket, grab your luggage, and tell your mom you are going to Japan.



  1. kak kpn ada rencana lagi ke jepang?

  2. kak kpn ada rencana lagi ke jepang?

  3. Dear Blog Owner,

    Mau mengucapkan terima kasih atas itinerary yang anda share di sini karena sangat membantu saya dalam panduan jalan-jalan di Jepang yang berhasil saya lakukan di Oktober 2016 ini.

    Terima kasih banyak.

    1. Hi Mas Diaz

      Wahhhh senang dengernya.. sama-sama yaa

      Salam traveling

  4. Menginspirasi sangat kak , jadi pingin ke jepang tahun bsk . Kak pakai itin ini utk apply visa kak ? maaf y kak tanpa nama , aku blm ada akun google huhu

    1. Halo...

      Apply visa pakai itin yg beda, nggak se-detail itu hanya mencantumkan tempat tujuan aja


  5. ❤ semua tulisannya sangat membantu dan menarikkkkk... terimakasih

  6. terima kasih banyak buat tulisan sangat membantu saya dalam pembuatan itin. semua informasinya sangat detail dan sangat saya butuh untuk keberangkatan saya november ini. :):):)
